The Message
This is an important message of a pre-millennial dispensationalist perspective on the Rapture, the disappearance of millions of people around the world.. This message was recorded by Jack Hibbs in advance of the event and was distributed to many people in the church who have been diligent in placing the message in a location where it would be discovered after they are gone.
This is a message that offers a path of rescue to those who are left on earth after the event has occurred. In a format not unlike a pre-recorded will and testimony, Jack Hibbs, at the point of your viewing will have ascended, along with millions of others around the world, addresses you the listener, as one “left behind.” He offers you a warning of imminent deception by the Antichrist, a seven-year peace treaty masking demonic influence, and subsequent global persecution.
He urges you to embrace faith in Jesus Christ, emphasizing the cost will be death at the hands of the Antichrist's regime but ultimately eternal salvation. The message culminates in a prayer for guidance and assurance of a heavenly reunion for those who choose faith, offering a stark and urgent call to action amidst apocalyptic prophecy.
You Have Questions
Jack Hibbs recording this message for you before the Rapture
Well, uh, I'm at a loss as to, um, what to feel. Not what to say. I know exactly what to say, but I'm at a loss for what to feel. You're watching this right now because what you heard about has happened. What you have been told What you clearly rejected to believe and failed to embrace and to believe is what you've heard, read about, your friends have told you, your kids have been telling you, your parents have been telling you. There's even been the movies that have been made of it. But you have in fact been left behind and it's been covered up. Are you watching this right now?
Are you reading this transcription of the message that I recorded and that a friend or family member has placed for you to find? Are you trying to make sense of everything? What’s happening?
There's a whole lot of people missing in the world right now and you're scared and you're terrified and you should be because what's in store for you um is something that I'm not quite sure how to answer because the Bible is so incredibly clear in one point regarding possibly you that it terrifies me to bring it up. But on the flip side, if you're listening to this right now, and the rapture has taken place and you've been left behind, then if you have never heard the gospel and for whatever reasons you're watching this right now, you need to pay close attention.
By the time you're seeing this right now, there still may be somewhat of a lull in the panic. I mean, I'm not downplaying the fact that there are people around the world trying to explain what's just happened. And you're hearing all kinds of stuff in the news. You're hearing all kinds of stuff about a bizarre intervention of evolution. That evolution, the the powers of an natural world has made its sudden leap into its next evolutionary step, which was instant. transformation and people that were raptured were removed from the evolutionary step where you're being told that don't worry, don't worry, it's all going to be fine. In fact, you're special. These bad people, these these knuckle dragging Christians had to be removed. Maybe maybe you're hearing something right now where people are in fact talking about what our friends told us and what the Bible supposedly has to say did in fact happened.
Maybe, but most likely you're hearing something of someone speaking now or shall speak soon on international media calming you, telling they're going to help you that it's all going to work out okay. Don't worry about it. But you've been left behind, friends. Friend, listen. You've been left behind. You Jesus Christ has come for his church and you didn't go And in a matter of hours or weeks, if it hasn't happened already, the Bible says in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2, that because of the rapture has taken place and you did not pay attention, you did not believe that you are going to be deceived by your own choice and you are going to momentarily, if not soon, believe the lie. Definite article 'the' and the word lie. You are going to believe a supernatural lie from Satan. And yeah, yeah, you're laughing. I'm sure you Oh, Satan, I'm sure. Hey, listen. Can I remind you? You have been fatally wrong and guilty of laughing off Jesus. And now here you are. I'm gone. We're gone. And you're still here. What do you do now?
Well, the Bible says in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2, and you should read it, that you had the chance to believe in the love of the truth, but you refused it. And so God is judging you by sending you strong delusion that you will believe the lie because you did not have and you did not put faith when you had the chance in Christ. I don't know how that goes out. I don't know how it plays out for you. Nobody does. No theologian knows how that how this plays out for you.
Is it possible for you who knew the gospel, who knew that Jesus died on the cross for you and rose again from the dead and that you knew that he was coming back, at least you heard of it. You you had in your head, but you didn't believe it. I have to tell you, I don't know if you can actually be saved or not based on 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. Look, read it. Are you condemned by your unbelief according to that scripture? I pray not.
But there are those in the world, no doubt, that will be hearing the gospel preached. You're going to be um you're going to soon hear of breaking news of a leader probably out of Europe. Um someone's going to arise and they're going to have an idea on how to bring a peace treaty to Israel regarding its dilemmas and its enemies. And they're going to they're going to have a peace treaty, friends, on TV soon that's seven years long. It's a seven-year long peace treaty with Israel and its enemies.
This man will engineer this and um for the first three and a half years starting right now, there's going to be a a a swell of peace and prosperity for three and a half years. But that peace and Prosperity is laced with profound demonic deception. This man is going to swoon you into not only believing in him, but believing in him to the point that you are going to begin to think that the gods have visited us.
It may be explained to you that he is some form or type of an alien being, a manifestation of the sons of God. There May be something said to you that that's who Jesus really was. Was one of many enlightened ones. And now he's the newest. He's the latest and the greatest.
The Bible calls him the son of perdition. The Bible calls him the antichrist. The Bible calls him a human that is demon possessed. In fact, demon possessed to the point where Satan himself at some point will enter him.
Seven-year peace treaty with Israel. And in about three and a half years from now, he's going to stand in the newly rebuilt temple in Jerusalem that he's probably going to give the uh permit to have rebuilt. He's going to stand in that temple and declare himself to be God. And the world is going to go nuts in approval of him. They're going to love it.
And um you're going to have to choose between Yahweh being God and the Bible being true. By the way, I'm assuming that you're able to get a hold of the get a hold of a Bible right now. There may be an I don't know, there might be a movement to banish all Bibles, to burn them, destroy them.
There might even be an attempt to erase the Bible from being available from the cloud or online. I don't know. But um the fact is I'm gone and you're here.
And uh listen, this is what you failed to believe in:
For the grace of God. that brings salvation has appeared to all men. Teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lust, we um should live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present age.
Why? What should we do about that? Verse 13, Titus chapter 2:11 down to verse 15. But Titus 2:13 says,
"Looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appearance of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ who gave himself for us that we might that he might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for himself his own special people zealous for good works. Speak these things. Exhort and rebuke with all authority. Let no one despise you.
I want to just focus on the fact that I'm gone because I was looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. Friend, what's ahead of you if you're going to choose to follow Jesus Christ now is a time of unprecedented persecution.
And though you refused to live your life for Jesus when you had a chance, that opportunity now is gone from you. Now, if you're going to become a follower of Jesus Christ, you will be killed for it.
The book of Revelation chapter 13 tells you that you for having putting or going to put your faith in Jesus Christ, you will be beheaded. You're not going to be strangled. You're not going to be shot. The book of Revelation chapter 13 says you will be beheaded put for putting your faith in Jesus now.
And I want to suggest, no I want to tell you that though the opportunity for you to live for Christ is now gone, the opportunity now is upon you to die for Christ because it is here. And what's in store for you when they offer you the pref uh prefix prefix number, you're going to be granted a number.
They may play off of in the United States your social security number. If you're in the EU, your personal ID number. If you're in China, it may be your uh your personal identification uh social score number that's uniquely yours. Doesn't matter what it is where you're at, you're going to be offered to receive a prefix number which will allow you to continue to obtain food, mobility, some form of a diluted freedom under the reign of this individual and his powers.
Right now, as I speak to you, nations are swearing allegiance to this guy because he's got the answers. I just want to remind you that he has demonic powers and demons are speaking through him. That's why he's so convincing. Listen to him. Listen to what he's saying. Listen to how he's saying it.
He's got remarkable answers, does he not? Pretty soon you're going to be seeing him manifest um a a co-o a co-partner with him. He's going to have a sidekick, a religious leader known as the false prophet in the Bible. I'm sure he's going to have a different name for him. A a a a multi- What what will he be?
I'm guessing right now. Is is he a ecumenical unifier? Is it the Antichrist uh PR man? Well, whoever he is, he's going to be a religious leader. You may have already found out about him. This guy's going to give some company, some corporation the task to create some some form of AI device, a humanoid type thing, not all human, not all mechanical, some hybrid device. I'm going to call it a device. The Bible says in the book of Revelation, power is going to be given to it to appear to breathe. It's going to appear to speak to you. One thing is certain, it is able to discern Who has the mark of the beast? Number 666 added to that prefect or preface number.
So, this thing will be able to determine that Joe has got 666 529 27 6249 as a personal ID number. You don't get a new number. You get the prefix. The 666 is added to your life. Everyone in the world is going to be required to take this number and add it to their personal ID. If you don't, you're not going to eat. If you don't, you can't travel. If you don't, you can't leave your house or your neighborhood. If you don't take it, you're going to be subversive. If you don't take it, you are going to be deemed as a revolutionary, a renegade, an enemy of the state. You are going to be someone who is hindering the third millennium that is going to be ushered in by this guy.
The world is confused right now. The world is in terror and the unthinkable has happened to you. You never thought it would happen because you didn't believe in him. But it's happened. I want to encourage you to read the gospel if you can get your hands on one. If you can get your hands on the Bible. Search, find, hunt one down. And if you get one, you might have to tear the pages up and to keep it into certain parts of your shoes or your jacket. I don't think you're going to be able to walk around with a full-blown Bible. It's going to be too obvious.
But you need to read it and uh you should stop making fun of it because how how did that turn out for you? You see, we the silly ones, the ones who were waiting for Jesus to come, you laughed at us and you made fun of us. And that breaks our heart for you. But maybe by God's grace, you are now interested. Well, before for you is an advent of time of profound spiritual deceivers. There's going to be a profound escalation and people trying to launch or perpetrate war. And this guy is going to try to calm all that and he's going to do a good job for three and a half years. He's going to deceive people by prosperity and by peace.
But then the the hatred, the human heart left alone. Jesus told us in Matthew 24 that ethnic groups are going to start to kill and murder other ethnic groups on a global scale. There's going to be extreme, bizarre, unexplainable diseases coming shortly that cannot be cured. People are going to go insane on a mass scale. as the in about three and a half years from now. The last three and a half years out of the seven will be filled with extreme violence, demonic activity, and plagues that are going to befall the earth. Choking, smoke-filled atmospherics, signs in the atmosphere. of unbelievable terror, manifestation of demonic activity that the Bible describes as insects looking like insects with some sort of man-like faces, but they look like a lion with great teeth. Having bizarre hands, but with stingers and a tail that strikes like a scorpion. He's describing demons that are going to come.
It's going to cost you everything to follow Jesus now.
And so, you're going to have to make a choice to die for Christ, to dive into the truth of the Bible, if you can find one in a merciful act. by God. The Bible says he's going to send an angel to fly through the midst of the atmosphere and proclaim the everlasting gospel to the world.
I don't know how that's going to happen except he says I'm going to send an angel to fly through the midst of the atmosphere. That means lower than 126,000 ft. That's what it means actually. You know that from zero from sea level to 126,000 ft. is atmosphere before it goes to space. But it's going to be lower than that because the Bible says an angel is going to fly through the atmosphere and proclaim the everlasting gospel. Will that be digital? Will it be something else? Will it be vocal? I don't know. You're going to find out. I don't care. But you need to care because the raptures happened. That thing that your friends said would never happen. Don't even pay any attention to those cooks.
You should have read the Bible for yourself. But I'm not here to condemn you. I'm here to give you some hope. If you turn to Jesus, you're going to have to die for him. Just settle that right now. But don't be afraid because they can only take your earthly body. Your soul and your spirit can be saved right now. You can have your sins forgiven and you can become part of the underground. of believers that are doing everything they can.
Be careful who you talk to. There's going to be a lot of people turning other people in as spies. You are going to be an enemy of the state, as I said earlier. So, be careful who you talk to. Be careful what you say, but know this that you do have the opportunity to still make it to heaven. Just know that. Just resolve this now. Just look, you were going to die anyway. Right. Die of cancer. You're You were going to die because your parachute didn't open up skydiving. You're going to die because your bungee cord rubber band snapped. You're going to die because you got hit by a truck.
You weren't going to live forever. So, can you just make a resolution right now that you're going to die for Jesus now? Believe in every word that you read in the Bible, believe it. Start right now in John's gospel if you have it. After you read John's gospel, then go to Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Read it tonight. And then go to First and Second Timothy to find out about what Bible doctrine is.
And then I want you to go to First and Second Thessalonians. to get instructions on what to do next and then read the book of Revelation specifically. Now, listen, there's no need for you to there's no need for you to read uh chapters three uh 2, three, and four. Uh those are those already happened.
What you need to read about right now is chapters really chapters six and on of the book of Revelation because you're going to live it. So, you You need to know what you're about to go through, but you've been left behind. And we're Look, I want to say we're sorry for that. We told you. And uh yet, we must embrace the will of God because God's word is true. He didn't he didn't forget you. He didn't He didn't make a mistake and leave you behind. You saw to it that you were left behind.
God's truth is eternal. And God so loved you that he gave his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, that if you would believe in him, you would not perish, but have everlasting life. That word perish means to die and to inherit hell.
The wrath of God is coming upon the earth. No one will escape it. You're going to hear all kinds of lies, remarkable things. You're going to see unbelievable supernatural manifestations that are going to be so convincing. You're going to be tempted to believe them. Don't do it. Don't do it.
The days of deception have fallen upon you. Your last now and final chance is to give your life to Christ and to live for him. I pray God's discernment upon your life I pray that God will bring others into your life, that you can encourage one another in the scriptures, and that the wisdom of God would be upon you to know what you should do next according to the word of God.
But tell your family, tell your friends with discernment. Don't trust anyone. They may turn you in. But use every bit of opportunity to share the news that all these things were written down in advance. All these things were prophesied in the scriptures and now you're living these moments of earth's final history of earth's final story. And um by God's grace you'll die for Jesus and If you do that now, we will see you up here in heaven and pay attention like you'd never have before. Pay attention to God's word now.
In fact, this is rather eerie, but I offer you this prayer. Even though I'm in heaven, I pray for you that God would open up the eyes of your mind, the depths of your soul and the resolve of your spirit to follow the Lord Jesus Christ and His holy word unwaveringly all the way through. Because friend, as you begin to fade away in this world by death, death has been swallowed up in victory by Jesus Christ.
And as your eyes grow dim and your body begins to grow cold and you start to feel the shiver of death's encroachment upon you. Know this that to be absent from your body is to immediately be present to be present with the Lord. To be absent from your body is to immediately be present with the Lord. And we'll be waiting for you on the other side. That's if you choose Christ.
Please, I pray that God bestows upon you profound grace at a time like this because He will. Turn to Him, the real Jesus Christ, and He will take care of you.
Be faithful, friend, unto death, and the Lord will give you the crown of life in Jesus name.
This provides a succinct overview of the key themes within the urgent message. The gravity of the situation is emphasized for those left behind and the importance of choosing faith in Christ despite the coming tribulation.
A Post-Rapture Message
Main Theme: This message is a dire warning to those left behind after the biblical Rapture. It outlines the imminent arrival of the Antichrist, the coming tribulation, and the importance of choosing faith in Christ even in the face of persecution and death.
Most Important Ideas and Facts:
The Rapture has occurred: The speaker, now in heaven, addresses those left behind, emphasizing their disbelief in the event despite prior warnings from friends, family, and the Bible. He directly states, "Jesus Christ has come for his church and you didn't go."
A time of deception and delusion: The speaker warns that those left behind will be susceptible to a "strong delusion" sent by God as judgment for their unbelief. This delusion will manifest through the charismatic Antichrist who will bring about a false sense of peace and prosperity. "You are going to believe a supernatural lie from Satan."
The rise of the Antichrist: The Antichrist, a European leader, will broker a seven-year peace treaty with Israel. He will gain global admiration and eventually declare himself God, demanding worship and allegiance. "He's going to stand in that temple and declare himself to be God. And the world is going to go nuts in approval of him."
Persecution and the Mark of the Beast: Followers of Christ will face unprecedented persecution, even unto death. The Mark of the Beast (666) will be implemented, controlling access to essential resources and identifying those who refuse allegiance to the Antichrist. "If you don't take it, you're not going to eat. If you don't, you can't travel."
Hope and salvation remain: Despite the bleak outlook, the speaker encourages those left behind to embrace faith in Christ, even if it means martyrdom. He urges them to find a Bible, study its teachings, and share the gospel with discernment. "The opportunity now is upon you to die for Christ because it is here."
God's final judgment: The last three and a half years of the tribulation will be marked by escalating violence, demonic activity, plagues, and natural disasters. God will send an angel to proclaim the everlasting gospel, offering a final chance for salvation. "The days of deception have fallen upon you. Your last now and final chance is to give your life to Christ and to live for him."
Death for Christ leads to eternal life: The speaker assures listeners that those who die for their faith will be welcomed into heaven. He emphasizes that physical death is a transition to eternal life with God. "To be absent from your body is to immediately be present with the Lord.”
Call to Action:
The message concludes with a prayer for those left behind, urging them to turn to Christ, find strength in scripture, and remain faithful even in the face of unimaginable adversity.
Quotes of Note:
"You have been fatally wrong and guilty of laughing off Jesus. And now here you are. I'm gone. We're gone. And you're still here. What do you do now?"
"You're going to have to choose between Yahweh being God and the Bible being true."
"Just make a resolution right now that you're going to die for Jesus now."
"Be faithful, friend, unto death, and the Lord will give you the crown of life in Jesus name.”
The Rapture and Tribulation: A Review
What major event has occurred at the start of this message? What evidence is provided to support this claim? The rapture has occurred. Evidence: Many people are missing, there's global panic, and the speaker, a believer, is now in heaven.
What will be the initial reaction of the world to this event? How will they attempt to explain it? The world will experience widespread panic and confusion. They will attempt to explain the disappearances through natural phenomena, scientific advancements, or even alien intervention, dismissing the biblical explanation.
Who is being addressed, and why were they were left behind? The message is addressed to those who were left behind after the rapture. Those who were not raptured were left behind because they did not accept Jesus Christ as their savior and did not believe in the truth of the Bible.
What will happen in the near future, specifically concerning Israel and a world leader? In the near future, a charismatic leader will emerge, likely from Europe, and broker a seven-year peace treaty with Israel and its enemies. This man will initially appear to be a peacemaker but will later reveal himself to be the Antichrist.
What is the "mark of the beast," and what are the consequences of accepting or refusing it? The mark of the beast is a symbol or number (666) that signifies allegiance to the Antichrist. Accepting it will grant temporary access to resources and society, but it seals one's eternal fate. Refusing it will result in persecution, potentially even death.
What specific instructions are given to those who have been left behind regarding their faith and actions? Those left behind are instructed to seek out the Bible, believe in its teachings, and choose to follow Jesus Christ even if it leads to death. They should be cautious about whom they trust and share the gospel whenever possible.
What is the role of deception during the coming tribulation? What sources of deception should people be wary of? Deception is a central theme during the tribulation. The Antichrist, the false prophet, and demonic forces will work together to deceive people through false miracles, promises of peace and prosperity, and distorted versions of truth.
What hope is available to those who choose to follow Christ in this time? What is the ultimate reward for their faith? Those who choose to follow Christ during the tribulation are promised eternal life in heaven. Though they may face persecution and death, their sacrifice will be rewarded with salvation and a place in God's kingdom.
What is the significance of the closing prayer, considering the speaker’s current location? The speaker’s closing prayer is significant because, despite being in heaven, he still expresses concern and compassion for those left behind. He intercedes for them, asking God to grant them understanding, courage, and the strength to endure the coming trials.
What specific books of the Bible are recommend reading and why? The message recommends reading the Gospels (John, Matthew, Mark, Luke) to understand the life and teachings of Jesus. Then, 1 & 2 Timothy for biblical doctrine, 1 & 2 Thessalonians for instructions on the end times, and Revelation, particularly chapters six onwards, for insights into the events they will experience.
Items for Prayer and Reflection
Consider the exposition of 2 Thessalonians 2, focusing on the concepts of strong delusion, the lie, and the possibility of salvation for those left behind. Pray about these points and seek discernment from Jesus Himself through prayer.
Compare and contrast the description of the Antichrist delivered in the message with the biblical portrayal found in the book of Revelation. How do these portrayals inform your understanding of this figure and his role in end-times events?
Discuss the instructions on navigating the tribulation, particularly regarding discerning truth from deception, maintaining faith amidst persecution, and the importance of community among believers.
Explore the ethical and theological implications of the “mark of the beast.” What does it symbolize, and how does the choice to accept or reject it reflect one's allegiance and values?
Analyze the message through the lens of hope and warning. How does the message balance these two elements, and what is the overall impact of the message for you the listener?
Glossary of Key Terms
Rapture: The event described in Christian eschatology where believers in Jesus Christ are suddenly taken from the earth to be with him in heaven.
Tribulation: A period of intense suffering and hardship, often associated with the end times as described in the book of Revelation.
Antichrist: A figure prophesied in the Bible who will oppose Christ and deceive the world during the end times.
Mark of the Beast: A symbol or number (666) associated with the Antichrist that people will be forced to accept to participate in society. It represents allegiance to the Antichrist and rejection of God.
False Prophet: A religious leader who will work alongside the Antichrist during the tribulation, performing false miracles and leading people astray.
Strong Delusion: A state of deception sent by God as a judgment upon those who reject the truth.
The Lie: A grand deception perpetrated by Satan and the Antichrist to mislead the world and draw people away from God.
The Gospel: The good news of salvation through Jesus Christ, including his death, burial, and resurrection.
Eternal Life: The promise of life in heaven with God for those who believe in Jesus Christ.
Persecution: The act of mistreating or oppressing individuals or groups for their religious beliefs.
Your Next Steps
Your Decisions Now Will Affect Your Eternity!
It is a bleak outlook for those left behind after the rapture. You will be faced with difficult choices, and the window for choosing to live for Christ has closed. Here are some of the choices you will face:
Refuse to take the Mark of the Beast: This choice, although difficult, is the only option that allows for salvation and entrance into heaven. Those who refuse the mark will face persecution and death, specifically beheading, as it is written in Revelation 13.
Choose to follow Jesus: Those left behind are encouraged to commit to Jesus Christ, even though it will lead to persecution and death. "The opportunity now is upon you to die for Christ".
Die for Christ: Death for one's faith will lead to eternal life with God in heaven and that those who make this choice will be reunited with those who were raptured. You are encouraged to "make a resolution right now that you're going to die for Jesus now".
Share the Gospel: The speaker encourages listeners to share the Gospel, but to be careful about who they trust because some may act as spies and turn in believers.
Study the Bible: Seek out a Bible, to study its teachings, and to share the Gospel with discernment. Read: the Gospels (starting with John), 1 & 2 Timothy, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, and Revelation.
There are specific events that will occur in the future according to the Bible, including:
The rise of the Antichrist: A powerful leader, likely from Europe, will create a seven-year peace treaty with Israel. This leader will eventually demand to be worshipped as God.
The Mark of the Beast: People will be forced to accept the Mark of the Beast (666) to participate in society. This mark will signify allegiance to the Antichrist.
The False Prophet: A religious figure will emerge to support the Antichrist and potentially push for a one-world religion or ecumenical unity.
Intensification of Persecution: Those who choose to follow Jesus after the rapture will face increased persecution.
Unprecedented Chaos: The world will experience violence, diseases, bizarre atmospheric phenomena, and demonic manifestations.
The world will face a "strong delusion" sent by God as judgement for their unbelief. An angel will be sent by God to proclaim the everlasting Gospel. You are encouraged to choose faith in Christ over the deceptive promises of the world.
The Timeline
Let’s review the timeline of events that have led up to the moment we are in now and to the days and seven years that lay in front of you.
The Past:
Since the time that Jesus first appeared and was crucified for the sins of those who would trust and believe in Him, people have dismissed the warnings about the second advent or return of Jesus to set things right within the world that has so rejected the mercy and grace offered through His death on the cross to pay our sins. In recent time, and in perfect accord with the Bible’s prophetic references, people have mocked the idea of a “rescue” called the Rapture and mocked the beliefs of those that put their hope and faith and trust in Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
The Present:
The Rapture: Jesus Christ returns and takes his true believers (the Church) with him to heaven. Those left behind are in a state of panic and confusion.
Early Days/Weeks Post-Rapture: Global media attempts to explain the disappearances with various theories, including bizarre evolutionary leaps or alien abductions. A powerful leader, likely from Europe, emerges and begins to gain international attention.
Near Future (within hours/weeks):
The Rise of the Antichrist: The European leader proposes and successfully implements a seven-year peace treaty between Israel and its enemies. This marks the beginning of the Tribulation period.
The Great Deception: Aided by demonic powers, the Antichrist (also referred to as the “Son of Perdition”) fosters a period of peace and prosperity, deceiving many into believing he is a god or an advanced alien being.
The False Prophet: A religious figure, the “Antichrist’s PR man,” emerges and promotes the Antichrist’s agenda, potentially pushing for a one-world religion or ecumenical unity.
Future (First 3.5 years after Rapture):
The Abomination of Desolation: The Antichrist breaks the peace treaty, enters the newly rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem, and declares himself to be God.
Intensification of Persecution: Believers in Jesus who were left behind face increased persecution, potentially including imprisonment, torture, and death, particularly through beheading.
Future (Last 3.5 years of the Tribulation):
The Mark of the Beast: A system requiring a personal identification number with the prefix 666 is implemented, allowing people to buy and sell. Refusal leads to social ostracization, starvation, and eventually death.
Unprecedented Chaos: The world experiences escalating violence, ethnic conflicts, incurable diseases, mass insanity, bizarre atmospheric phenomena, and demonic manifestations, including monstrous insect-like creatures.
Angelic Proclamation: God sends an angel to proclaim the everlasting Gospel throughout the world, possibly through a supernatural or technological means.
Unspecified Future Point:
Death of Believers Left Behind: Those who choose to follow Jesus after the Rapture will face martyrdom but will be reunited with Christ in heaven.
Cast of Characters
The Antichrist (The Son of Perdition): A charismatic and deceptive leader, likely from Europe. Orchestrates a seven-year peace treaty in the Middle East. Possesses demonic powers and seeks to be worshipped as God. Will eventually declare himself God in the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem.
The False Prophet: A powerful religious figure who supports the Antichrist. Promotes the Antichrist’s agenda and may push for a one-world religion. Potentially oversees the creation of an AI entity used to control the population.
Those Left Behind: People who did not believe in Jesus Christ before the Rapture. Face a world of chaos, deception, and persecution. Have a final opportunity to choose Jesus Christ, even at the cost of their lives.
The Angel: Sent by God to proclaim the everlasting Gospel to the world during the Tribulation. The method of proclamation is unclear, but will reach a global audience.
You May Have Questions
What has happened?
The rapture, a biblical event where believers are suddenly taken up to heaven, has occurred. This explains why the message is being delivered to the listener, the reader, the observer, through a pre-recorded message and why there are so many people missing.
How will the world will react to the disappearances?
The world will be in chaos and fear. However, a powerful leader will emerge, promising peace and prosperity. This leader will deceive people into believing he is a savior or even a god-like being, but in reality, he is the Antichrist.
What is the significance of the seven-year peace treaty?
A treaty, orchestrated by the Antichrist, will mark the beginning of a seven-year period of tribulation. Initially, there will be a semblance of peace and prosperity, but this is a deceptive facade. The last 3.5 years of this period will be marked by intense persecution, war, plagues, and demonic activity.
What is the mark of the beast, and why is it dangerous?
The mark of the beast is a symbol (likely a number) that people will be forced to accept in order to participate in society. This mark signifies allegiance to the Antichrist and ultimately separates people from God. You are urged to refuse the mark, even though it will mean facing severe consequences.
What advice is given to those left behind?
Those left behind should seek out a Bible and commit themselves to Jesus Christ, even though it will likely lead to persecution and death. Those on earth after the rapture are encouraged to find strength in a faith in Christ Jesus, knowing that eternal salvation is more important than an earthly life.
What is the ultimate hope for those who choose to follow Christ?
Even though a person may face death for their faith, they will ultimately be reunited with Christ in heaven. Physical death is not the end for believers but a transition to eternal life.
What is the role of the angel mentioned in the message?
God will send an angel to proclaim the gospel to the world during the tribulation period. This signifies that after the rapture, there will still be an opportunity for people to accept Christ and find salvation.
What is the final message to the listener?
The final message is a call to action, urging the listener to choose faith in Christ over the deceptive promises of the world. You are reminded that God loves you and offers grace even in the face of impending tribulation. He encourages you to remain steadfast in your faith and to share the truth of the gospel with others.
Heavenly Father, Yahweh, who art in Heaven, holy is Your name, we come before You with urgent hearts for those who will be left behind following the Rapture, those who have yet to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.
Lord, with the knowledge of the Rapture from 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 (LSB), "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord," we pray with urgency for those who will see this event but not partake in it.
We beseech You, O God, that they would recognize the truth of Jesus's words in John 14:6 (LSB), "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me," and commit themselves to Him with the full understanding that persecution and death may follow their choice. May they see that this is not merely a decision for the moment but a choice for eternity.
Father, as the tribulations described in Revelation from chapter 6 onwards unfold, may those who remain understand the gravity of their situation. Revelation 7:14 (LSB) speaks of those who "come out of the great tribulation," having "washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb." Let this promise of redemption be a beacon of hope, prompting them to turn to Jesus despite the cost.
We pray for a spirit of repentance and humility among them, remembering 2 Timothy 2:25-26 (LSB), "with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition, if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the full knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will." Let them see the urgency of this moment, for Your mercy, O God, is great toward those who approach You in humility.
In the midst of the trials, may they recall the teachings of Jesus, who spoke of love, forgiveness, and the cost of discipleship. From Matthew 24:14 (LSB), "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come," we pray they hear this gospel and respond swiftly, even as the world around them descends into chaos.
Lord, grant them the courage to stand firm in faith, as encouraged in 1 Thessalonians 5:2-4 (LSB), "For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night. While they are saying, 'Peace and safety!' then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape. But you, brothers, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief." Let this be their moment to choose light over darkness, life over death.
We know from Revelation that the time post-Rapture will be marked by the rise of the Antichrist and divine judgments. We pray that even in this time of great tribulation, they might find salvation, understanding that their choice is for an eternal destiny.
In closing, we echo the prayer from 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2 (LSB), "Finally, brothers, pray for us that the word of the Lord will spread rapidly and be glorified, just as it was also with you; and that we will be rescued from perverse and evil men; for not all have faith." May Your Word spread, and may they be saved before the door of grace closes.
Father, in Your mercy, let them know that even now, there is still time to choose Christ, to embrace the eternal life He offers, even with the knowledge of the immediate suffering that might ensue.
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