Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
The cited document, dated May 1979, was found on July 7, 1986, in an IBM copier that had been purchased at a surplus sale.
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, An Introduction Programming Manual was uncovered quite by accident on July 7, 1986 when an employee of Boeing Aircraft Co. purchased a surplus IBM copier for scrap parts at a sale, and discovered inside details of a plan, hatched in the embryonic days of the "Cold War" which called for control of the masses through manipulation of industry, peoples' pastimes, education and political leanings. It called for a quiet revolution, putting brother against brother, and diverting the public's attention from what is really going on. This article makes reference to the document referenced and the written doctrine adopted by the Policy Committee of the Bilderburg Group during its first known meeting in 1954.
These citations are drawn from a document that is available at: which appears to be a well-composed digital copy of the document and includes the illustrations which some of the copies of the document do not reference or include.
This aggregated copy of the information was referenced from the following link:
Here is a preface or forward that was placed into this particular version since the organization that did this composition felt the need to point out that they were not stealing the information from the US Government, and did not obtain the information using dishonest methods or procedures. Furthermore, the publishing organization did not feel that they were endangering the national security by reproduction of the document.
The forward of the document goes on to say the following:
Regarding the training manual, you may have detected that we had to block out the marginal notes made by the selectee at the C.I.A. Training Center, but I can assure you that the manual is authentic, and was printed for the purpose of introducing the selectee to the conspiracy. It has been authenticated by four different technical writers for Military Intelligence, one just recently retired who wants very much to have this manual distributed throughout the world, and one who is still employed as an Electronics Engineer by the Federal Government, and has access to the entire series of Training Manuals. One was stationed in Hawaii, and held the highest security clearance in the Naval Intelligence, and another who is now teaching at a university, and has been working with the Central Intelligence Agency for a number of years, and wants out before the axe falls on the conspirators.
We believed that the entire world should know about this plan, so we distributed internationally one-hundred of these manuscripts, to ask individuals at top level positions their opinions. The consensus opinion was to distribute this to as many people as who wanted it, to the end that they would not only understand that "War" had been declared against them, but would be able to properly identify the true enemy to Humanity.
Delamer Duverus
You can gleen much from a document’s table of contents and that is certainly true with this specific document. Note the topics referenced and the structure of how the material is developed just by reading the table of contents:
* Security
* Historical Introduction
* Political Introduction
* Energy
* Descriptive Introduction of the Silent Weapon
* Theoretical Introduction
* General Energy Concepts
* Mr. Rothschild's Energy Discovery
* Apparent Capital as "Paper" Inductor
* Breakthrough
* Application in Economics
* The Economic Model
* Industrial Diagrams
* Three Industrial Classes
* Aggregation
* The E-model
* Economic Inductance
* Inductive Factors to Consider
* Translation
* Time Flow Relationships and Self-destructive Oscillations
* Industry Equivalent Circuits
* Stages of Schematic Simplification
* Generalization
* Final Bill of Goods
* The Technical Coefficients
* The Types of Admittances
* The Household Industry
* Household Models
* Economic Shock Testing
* Introduction to the Theory of Shock Testing
* Example of Shock Testing
* Introduction to Economic Amplifiers
* Short List of Inputs
* Short List of Outputs
* Table of Strategies
* Diversion, the Primary Strategy
* Diversion Summary
* Consent, the Primary Victory
* Amplification Energy Sources
* Logistics
* The Artificial Womb
* The Political Structure of a Nation - Dependency
* Action/Offense
* Responsibility
* Summary
* System Analysis
* The Draft
* Enforcement
Now with the Document Outline in view, consider how the section on SECURITY is introduced below:
Silent weapons for quiet wars
Operations Research Technical Manual TW-SW7905.1
Welcome Aboard
This publication marks the 25th anniversary of the Third World War, called the "Quiet War", being conducted using subjective biological warfare, fought with "silent weapons".
This book contains an introductory description of this war, its strategies, and its weaponry.
May 1979 #74-1120
It is patently impossible to discuss social engineering or the automation of a society, i.e., the engineering of social automation systems (silent weapons) on a national or worldwide scale without implying extensive objectives of social control and destruction of human life, i.e., slavery and genocide.
This manual is in itself an analog declaration of intent. Such a writing must be secured from public scrutiny. Otherwise, it might be recognized as a technically formal declaration of domestic war. Furthermore, whenever any person or group of persons in a position of great power and without full knowledge and consent of the public, uses such knowledge and methodologies for economic conquest - it must be understood that a state of domestic warfare exists between said person or group of persons and the public.
The solution of today's problems requires an approach which is ruthlessly candid, with no agonizing over religious, moral or cultural values.
You have qualified for this project because of your ability to look at human society with cold objectivity, and yet analyze and discuss your observations and conclusions with others of similar intellectual capacity without the loss of discretion or humility. Such virtues are exercised in your own best interest. Do not deviate from them.
Control Over Energy
The next sections of interest are the POLITICAL INTRODUCTION and the section on ENERGY. We can get a perspective on where this document is guiding the reader (implementer). Provide a political backdrop and show how control over “energy” is critical to control of the population.
Political Introduction
In 1954 it was well recognized by those in positions of authority that it was only a matter of time, only a few decades, before the general public would be able to grasp and upset the cradle of power, for the very elements of the new silent-weapon technology were as accessible for a public utopia as they were for providing a private utopia.
The issue of primary concern that of dominance, revolved around the subject of the energy sciences.
Energy is recognized as the key to all activity on earth. Natural science is the study of the sources and control of natural energy, and social science, theoretically expressed as economics, is the study of the sources and control of social energy. Both are bookkeeping systems: mathematics. Therefore, mathematics is the primary energy science. And the bookkeeper can be king if the public can be kept ignorant of the methodology of the bookkeeping.
All science is merely a means to an end. The means is knowledge. The end is control. Beyond this remains only one issue: Who will be the beneficiary?
In 1954 this was the issue of primary concern. Although the so-called "moral issues" were raised, in view of the law of natural selection [1] it was agreed that a nation or world of people who will not use their intelligence are no better than animals who do not have intelligence. Such people are beasts of burden and steaks on the table by choice and consent.
Consequently, in the interest of future world order, peace, and tranquility, it was decided to privately wage a quiet war against the American public with an ultimate objective of permanently shifting the natural and social energy (wealth) of the undisciplined and irresponsible many into the hands of the self-disciplined, responsible, and worthy few.
In order to implement this objective, it was necessary to create, secure, and apply new weapons which, as it turned out, were a class of weapons so subtle and sophisticated in their principle of operation and public appearance as to earn for themselves the name "silent weapons".
In conclusion, the objective of economic research, as conducted by the magnates of capital (banking) and the industries of commodities (goods) and services, is the establishment of an economy which is totally predictable and manipulatable.
In order to achieve a totally predictable economy, the low-class elements of society must be brought under total control, i.e., must be housebroken, trained, and assigned a yoke and long-term social duties from a very early age, before they have an opportunity to question the propriety of the matter. In order to achieve such conformity, the lower-class family unit must be disintegrated by a process of increasing preoccupation of the parents and the establishment of government-operated day-care centers for the occupationally orphaned children.
The quality of education given to the lower class must be of the poorest sort, so that the moat of ignorance isolating the inferior class from the superior class is and remains incomprehensible to the inferior class. With such an initial handicap, even bright lower class individuals have little if any hope of extricating themselves from their assigned lot in life. This form of slavery is essential to maintain some measure of social order, peace, and tranquility for the ruling upper class.
Significant Process Detail
The report provides an exceptionally detailed reference to economic modeling using circuit blocks and industrial diagrams with a corresponding detail in mathematical equations that relate industrial “classes”: capital, goods, and services and further subdivides these industrial classes spanning nature, government, and banking, and ultimately into products and services that intersect with households and governments.
The underlying narrative seeks to make an argument for “control” of resources and ultimately control of people. The document says:
The problem with stabilizing the economic system is that there is too much demand on account of (1) too much greed and (2) too much population.
This creates excessive economic inductance which can only be balanced with economic capacitance (true resources or value - e.g., in goods or services).
The social welfare program is nothing more than an open-ended credit balance system which creates a false capital industry to give nonproductive people a roof over their heads and food in their stomachs. This can be useful, however, because the recipients become state property in return for the "gift," a standing army for the elite. For he who pays the piper picks the tune.
The next section focuses on the motivations to “control” the population since as the manual describes the general population has become a herd of proliferating barbarians and a blight upon the face of the earth. The audience for this “instruction” is presumed to be one who will remedy the problems of the earth and they ultimately present some protocols as part of the silent weapons inventory. But before we explore that, let’s consider this passage that presents the “problem” by those who presume to have an answer:
If the people really cared about their fellow man, they would control their appetites (greed, procreation, etc.) so that they would not have to operate on a credit or welfare social system which steals from the worker to satisfy the bum.
Since most of the general public will not exercise restraint, there are only two alternatives to reduce the economic inductance of the system.
1. Let the populace bludgeon each other to death in war, which will only result in a total destruction of the living earth.
2. Take control of the world by the use of economic "silent weapons" in a form of "quiet warfare" and reduce the economic inductance of the world to a safe level by a process of benevolent slavery and genocide.
The latter option has been taken as the obviously better option. At this point it should be crystal clear to the reader why absolute secrecy about the silent weapons is necessary.
The general public refuses to improve its own mentality and its faith in its fellow man. It has become a herd of proliferating barbarians, and, so to speak, a blight upon the face of the earth.
Keep the Plan Secret
The silent weapons manual and doctrine must be kept a secret from the general public since manipulating this population is the core objective:
It is left to those few who are truly willing to think and survive as the fittest to survive, to solve the problem for themselves as the few who really care. Otherwise, exposure of the silent weapon would destroy our only hope of preserving the seed of the future true humanity.
So the elite have determined that they are “responsible” for the direction of the country (remember this technique is directed at manipulation of the U.S. population). There is no reference to the U.S. Constitution, its guaranteed rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness by the citizens of the USA, but instead, those who “know better” must take control.
The report continues with additional detail in describing how economic modeling can be used to determine what “levers” can be pulled or pushed to create specific specific effects. That detail can be explored but the primary takeaway is that though was put into how to manipulate economic factors to better control the population. In this portion of the “manual” there are a number of inputs that must be “monitored” that answer the questions of what, where, why, when, how, and who. These inputs begin with sources, then markers for standard of living, then social markers.
General Sources of information
telephone taps
analysis of garbage
behavior of children in school
Standard of Living
Social Markers
telephone - itemized record of calls
family - marriage certificates, birth certificates, etc.
friends, associates, etc.
memberships in organizations
political affiliation
Reflection on Social Markers
Certainly within the social markers referenced in the collection above, a person can consider that the NSA (National Security Agency) has been exposed as monitoring phone calls (in exceptional detail), The other markers for family, friends, organizational affiliations, and political affiliation can be pulled easily from social media, email, and other global information resources that have been given “freely” to people who have unwittingly used these service in return for providing this information. The document further references that government sources of information from the IRS, OSHA, and Census can be used for intimidation. The manual further proclaims how it must focus on a short list of outputs to create controlled situations, for the manipulation of the economy, and hence society, and to exert control over compensation and income. There is a specific “sequence” of control outputs:
allocates opportunities
destroys opportunities
controls the economic environment
controls the availability of raw materials
controls capital.
controls bank rates
controls the inflation of the currency
controls the possession of property
controls industrial capacity
controls manufacturing
controls the availability of goods (commodities).
controls the prices of commodities.
controls services, the labor force, etc.
controls payments to government officials.
controls the legal functions.
controls the personal data files -- uncorrectable by the party slandered.
controls advertising.
controls media contact.
controls material available for T.V. viewing
disengages attention from real issues.
engages emotions.
creates disorder, chaos, and insanity.
controls design of more probing tax forms.
controls surveillance.
controls the storage of information.
develops psychological analyses and profiles of individuals.
controls legal functions [repeat of 15]
controls sociological factors.
controls health options.
preys on weakness.
cripples strengths.
leeches wealth and substance.
Table of Strategies
The manual provides a table of strategies with a corresponding objective and a method to obtain that objective. This table of strategies is referenced below:
The primary strategy is that of diversion. This is sinister and evil. It is subjectively treating people as cattle. The manual states that the control of the public is necessary to keep the public undisciplined and ignorant of the basic system principles on the one hand, while keeping them confused, disorganized, and distracted with matters of no real importance on the other hand. This the manual says is achieved by:
disengaging their minds; sabotaging their mental activities; providing a low-quality program of public education in mathematics, logic, systems design and economics; and discouraging technical creativity.
engaging their emotions, increasing their self-indulgence and their indulgence in emotional and physical activities, by:
unrelenting emotional affrontations and attacks (mental and emotional rape) by way of constant barrage of sex, violence, and wars in the media - especially the T.V. and the newspapers.
giving them what they desire - in excess - "junk food for thought" - and depriving them of what they really need.
rewriting history and law and subjecting the public to the deviant creation, thus being able to shift their thinking from personal needs to highly fabricated outside priorities.
The next portion of the manual addresses a summary on the public diversion:
Diversion Summary
Media: Keep the adult public attention diverted away from the real social issues, and captivated by matters of no real importance.
Schools: Keep the young public ignorant of real mathematics, real economics, real law, and real history.
Entertainment: Keep the public entertainment below a sixth-grade level.
Work: Keep the public busy, busy, busy, with no time to think; back on the farm with the other animals.
A bit further down in the manual (I’m skipping material to highlight some of the key observations) is a reference to creating dependency within the national population.
The Political Structure of a Nation - Dependency
The primary reason why the individual citizens of a country create a political structure is a subconscious wish or desire to perpetuate their own dependency relationship of childhood. Simply put, they want a human god to eliminate all risk from their life, pat them on the head, kiss their bruises, put a chicken on every dinner table, clothe their bodies, tuck them into bed at night, and tell them that everything will be alright when they wake up in the morning.
This public demand is incredible, so the human god, the politician, meets incredibility with incredibility by promising the world and delivering nothing. So who is the bigger liar? the public? or the "godfather"?
This public behavior is surrender born of fear, laziness, and expediency. It is the basis of the welfare state as a strategic weapon, useful against a disgusting public.
The manual continues its references and “instruction” for subduing the national population and bringing it under control of “those who know better.” There is another version of this “manual” that can be easily browsed online at the following URL:
Another reference for TW-SW7905.1